The Most Reliable Well Test Available

Why are Aquifer Analytics well tests the most reliable? 

We are the only affordable well-testing company in Mendocino County that provides an estimate of the long-term sustainability of a well.

Disclaimer: Aquifer Analytics is a non-licensed entity and does not provide engineering, geologic, or geophysical services.


    • Estimate of long-term flow rate

    • Well systems inspection with findings and recommendations

    • One page summary + complete documentation

    • Answers to all questions relating to the test and report

    • No charge for water sample

    • $500 standard, $450 for local Fort Bragg area

    • Fully compliant with Mendocino County guidelines

    • Report prepared and stamped by a licensed civil engineer (Pope Engineering)

    • 17-hour coastal Proof-of-Water test: $3500

    • Inland Proof-of-Water test: Call for pricing

Detailed Reporting